Dragon's Blood White Sage Smudge Sticks
Smudge sticks blend white sage with dragon's blood resin, mingling two of the most popular fragrances within magical practice into a wonderful ritual tool.
Absorbs negativity and misfortune.
It drives away disturbances and tensions and lifts the spirits above the mundane cares of life. Burn it to consecrate a ritual/sacred space.
Sage is used in wish manifestations and to attract money. Smolder to promote healing and spirituality.
Use in spells for Protection, Wisdom, Health, Money and Riches, Spirituality.
The preferred herb for smudging. The smoke is used to neutralize the energy of an area.
Good for cleansing and rituals of healing, blessings, prosperity, protection or any purpose.
Gender - Masculine | Planet - Jupiter |
Associated Deities: Consus, Jupiter, Zeus | Element – Air |
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