Rainbow Aura Bunny
2 oz 2"
Metaphysically Speaking
- Activates and balances the seven major chakras
- Aids release negative emotional blockage
- Allows for communication with higher guides
- Brings The Body Back Into Balance
- Channeling
- Clairvoyance
- Chakra Alignment
- Enhances creative powers
- Grounding
- Harmony
- Healing
- High vibrational stone
- Higher levels of meditation
- Insight
- Joy
- Karma
- Love
- Meditation
- Opens psychic channels
- Power
- Protection
- Protection From Electromagnetic Fields
- Psychic Abilities
- Psychic Communication
- Psychic Visions
- Removes creative blockages
- Spirituality
- Stimulate the movement of the Kundalini Energy to the Crown Chakra
- Third-Eye
- Reviews