Witches Broom Amulet & Filigree Jewelry Box Set
A witch's broom to remind us to sweep away that which does not serve and so clear a path to our best & truest purpose.
The witches broom represents the ability to travel between the world. To fly on a broomstick means out of body travel, astral travel, or the act of sending one's perceptions away from one's self as happens in remote viewing and so many other kinds of psychic work.
The Witch is a kind of Shaman, or spirit guide. Her role as a traveler between the worlds is always to learn spiritual truths or to find part of person's spirit that has been lost to them, making them unwell.
Witches are healers first and foremost and they travel between the underworld, this earth, and the realms of the skies above to aid them in their compassionate work.
Each spirit journey deepens the subtlety of the Witch's perception until they can see into all three worlds with the same eye. The Witch's broom is a symbol for the flights of the spirit that transform the Witch into the highest being she can become.
The broom is also a symbol of cleaning and purification. Just as the flight of the Witch deepens her being through spirit journeys it also cleans her inner corners free if impurities that corrupt her spirit - like anger, greed and fear of facing things as they are.
Measures 1 1/4"
Comes on cord.
Made in USA
You will receive this Filigree box made from Rosewood with brass plate sides and decorative brass inlays dotting the top. Used for holding scented resin to gently fill an area with scent . Inside - 2 1/4” x 1 1/4” x 3/4”
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